With the warm weather comes the desire to enjoy the outdoors. As much as the sunshine and warmth draw people to outdoor activities, though, it doesn't take long for things to get too hot. Thankfully, a shade structure provides a versatile and attractive way to protect both equipment -- and the people who want to enjoy it -- from the sun's rays.
Miracle Museum Can Turn Any Space into a Sensory Rich Play Area
Miracle Museum is the aptly named new-to-the-playground-industry children’s museum experience that can turn any space into a sensory rich play area. Children touch, listen, see, and play their way through the fantastical collection of products.
“When we were designing Miracle Museum, we were really focused on universal design … that means design for all, for all users,” said Craig Mellott, Innovation Manager, Miracle Recreation. “It’s approachable design, it’s fun design, it’s engaging design, it’s safe, it’s secure – it’s designed for all.”
Topics: Product Features Inclusivity Accessibility
We’re always looking for new and exciting ways to help you improve your playground project. That’s why we’re so excited to announce two new additions to the May Recreation lineup: Mini City and Miracle Museum.
Both of these product lines are designed to allow little ones to inspire, engage, and interact in a safe and meaningful way. They feature bright colors, durable construction and tons of interactive features to make your school, church, or neighborhood playground really stand out.
Topics: Playground Projects Product Features
With all our lives semi-permanently adjusted due to the current COVID-19 pandemic and its risk of infection, everyone needs to do their part to maintain personal health protection and social distancing. Per the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), hand sanitizer and hand-washing are key activities that should be performed frequently to cut down on the chance of contact transfer of the virus along with masks. In this regard, May Recreation makes available an entire line of playground-specific hand sanitizer stands that can accommodate playground equipment and locations, complementing the regular cleaning of playground equipment and making sanitizing resources readily available for children.
In the words of Charlie Chaplin, "A day without laughter is a day wasted." Fortunately for children and the adults who take care of them, laughter is one of the primary sounds heard on a well-designed playground. Thanks to the help of Computer-Aided Design (CAD), playgrounds can now be more readily designed to meet the specific needs of schools, parks and recreation areas.
Since time began, children have had a unique relationship with water. While adults view water as a source of life or as a source of food, kids see water as a way to have fun. Water play has evolved over the years, but it remains a wholesome, healthy activity for kids around the world.
Topics: Product Features Play & Fitness
We've introduced Miracle's new, innovative play structure, Extreme Generation (or X-Gen), on the blog before, but wanted to share this short video so you can see it in action.
Incorporating Technology In Outdoor Play Can Enhance the Playground
Kids and technology. They go together like sticky fingers on a clean glass door. Most of us are aware of the dangers that too much screen time can have on a child’s developing mind. Kids need physical exercise and opportunities for creative, imaginative play. On the other hand, it’s the world we live in. These kids are going to grow up to change the world, using technology to make it happen.
Topics: Product Features Play & Fitness Playground Design & Planning
It's not often there is a NEW product that is developed that completely changes the landscape of play in the playground industry...however, this is one of those times!
Topics: Product Features
Springtime in Texas: Preparing Your Playground & Pool for Summer Fun!
For many, springtime in Texas conjures up images of bluebonnets, rodeos, festivals, picnics and BBQ! Children love to explore outside, and playgrounds provide the perfect opportunity for friends and families to enjoy the spring weather.
Topics: Miracle Recreation Shade Playground Sale Product Features