We Speak Playground

Optimizing Recess: The Right Amount of Playtime for Every Age Group

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on July 3, 2024

Today’s school-age children, the first generation born in the 21st century and the most tech-savvy group ever, are exposed to more screen time daily than outdoor time.

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Topics: Recess Mental Health Child Development

Playground Therapy: Relieve Stress and Reconnect with Nature

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on April 4, 2024

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, stress has become an all too familiar companion for many of us. As the demands of work, family, and daily responsibilities pile up, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and disconnected from the world around us. But what if there was a simple, enjoyable way to relieve stress and rekindle our connection with nature? Enter playground therapy.

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Topics: Mental Health Child Development

Finding Balance: Nurturing Your Child's Well-being with Screen Time and Outdoor Play

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on February 21, 2024

In today's digital age, finding the right balance between screen time and outdoor play is a challenge many parents face. While technology offers endless entertainment and educational opportunities, the benefits of spending time outdoors on a playground are equally important for a child's physical, mental, and emotional development.

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Topics: Childhood Unplugged Mental Health Outdoor Classroom Child Development

The Power of Play: 7 Benefits of Sports and Teamwork for Children

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on September 22, 2023

Participation in team sports is not just about the joys of running around outside, scoring goals, smacking baseballs, and making game-saving tackles – it’s a powerful tool for the development of physical, mental, and social skills in children.

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Topics: Play & Fitness Pediatric Health & Wellness Mental Health Child Development

Why Should I Add Fitness Equipment to My Park?

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on February 6, 2023

It is understood that exercise goes hand-in-hand with a healthy lifestyle overall. Therefore, one way to get more out of your park investment is to incorporate fitness equipment either designed for adults, kids, or both to use when visiting.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) states that for overall health or to maintain healthy levels, adults should do between 150 and 300 minutes of physical activity (moderate) weekly along with between 75 and 150 minutes of physical activity (aerobic) in the same time span.

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Topics: Play & Fitness Pediatric Health & Wellness Mental Health Child Development

Mental Health Month - Kids Edition

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on May 2, 2022

May is Mental Health Month. Fortunately, mental health and its importance to a person's overall health is getting more attention recently. Good mental health is especially important for kids who might need additional support and access to resources due to their limited reach and knowledge. 

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Topics: Pediatric Health & Wellness Mental Health

Screen-Free Activities You Can Do At Home

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on March 20, 2020

Social distancing – it’s like a never-ending rainy day, without the rain. We’re not stuck indoors due to anything our kids can see and the electricity still works; thank goodness! With many adults now unexpectedly working from home and schools closed, the simple answer for an activity is indulging in different forms of screen time on repeat. But we all know the easy way out isn’t always the best way.

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Topics: Play & Fitness Pediatric Health & Wellness Mental Health

Mental Health and Kids

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on February 4, 2020

This is a different world that we live in. Kids are exposed to life at a far more rapid pace than ever before, which can lead to serious issues such as anxiety, depression, and behavioral disorders. According to MentalHealth.org, an alarming 70% of children and young people who experience mental health problems have not had sufficient medical intervention at an appropriate age. The CDC defines mental disorders among children as situations that seriously change "the way children typically learn, behave, or handle their emotions, causing distress and problems getting through the day." 

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Topics: Pediatric Health & Wellness Mental Health

How to Get Your Kids to Quit Fortnite and Spend Some Time Outside

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on December 17, 2018

Especially in this day and age, kids are consumed by electronics. From games on their phones to games on the Xbox, PlayStation or computer, these games are consuming the lives of kids all over the world. Although there are many games responsible for this video-game addiction, Fortnite is currently leading the pack. Fortnite is an online game where players fight against each other in player vs. player combat. Especially over the past decade, kids are spending less time outdoors and more time playing video games. Not only does that lead to social issues in kids, it can also contribute to obesity and other health problems. In this post, we’ll discuss the importance of getting outside, the many activities that your kids can do, and how to encourage your kids to put down the controller.

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Topics: Pediatric Health & Wellness Mental Health

The Importance of Parents and Play

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on March 27, 2018

Recently, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released a report which tells parents just how important play is for children. It seems that today’s kids are spending less and less time playing every day, much less than they did a decade ago. The United Nations High Commission for Human Rights says play is so important in child development that it is a right of every child.

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Topics: Play & Fitness Mental Health

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