Remember the wooden jungle gyms and rickety metal swings of your childhood playground?
They were fun, sure, but today's play spaces are bursting with innovation, inclusivity, and a whole lot of imagination.
Remember the wooden jungle gyms and rickety metal swings of your childhood playground?
They were fun, sure, but today's play spaces are bursting with innovation, inclusivity, and a whole lot of imagination.
Topics: Theme Playgrounds Inclusivity Accessibility Sensory Play
As adults going through a typical day, we often take our senses for granted. But remember back to when you were a child, and you never knew what wondrous sight, smell, or sound was awaiting you. You formed your opinions of foods by how they tasted, or in some cases how they smelled or felt.
Topics: Inclusivity Child Development Sensory Play
May Recreation Equipment & Design is a top supplier of playground equipment, shelters, playground safety surfacing, splash pads, site amenities, and related products in East Texas. Our goal is to work closely with you to ensure your project completes
May Recreation Equipment & Design, L.P. is a greater Houston area commercial grade park and playground equipment company whose primary purpose is to provide our clients with recreational design concepts emphasizing safety and fun while utilizing competitively priced products manufactured by companies who share our high standards of ethics, quality and reliability.
Houston, TX
800 964 6301
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