We Speak Playground

Tips for Inclusive Playgrounds

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on January 17, 2022

Playgrounds are intended to serve all children, regardless of their physical or intellectual abilities. Unfortunately, not all playgrounds meet this objective. With proper planning and execution, however, you can create a space that meets the needs of everyone. 

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Topics: Playground Design & Planning Inclusivity

Age Inclusive Playgrounds

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on December 29, 2021

Why should families have to do research before going to a playground, just to make sure that all of their kids will enjoy the experience, no matter their age?

What’s called for are age inclusive playgrounds. That way, no one feels left out, and there will be more fun to be had by all. After all, the more people you include at a playground, the more opportunities for kids to meet and expand their world through contact with people from different walks of life.

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Topics: Community Parks Playground Design & Planning

Common Playground Terms

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on December 14, 2021

You and your colleagues are planning to build a new playground, but it’s been a long time since you’ve played at one yourself. Chances are that you may have forgotten some terms for equipment and situations at playgrounds. Or, you may have lost track of what kinds of equipment is typically installed at playgrounds, and you want to make sure that you have a good list from which to choose.

No worries! At May Recreation, we specialize in playgrounds and would like to present these common playground terms to you today to help you in your preparation.

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Topics: Custom Playground Playground Design & Planning

Why You Need A Church Playground

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on October 8, 2021

Many faith-based organizations and worship centers are now making a substantial contribution to children’s lives and to their general development. It is pretty typical for these facilities to have childcare centers, pre-schools, and even kindergartens. Having a playground that is safe and fun just makes sense in today’s modern church. 

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Topics: Community Parks Playground Design & Planning

How to Turn Your Existing Playground Inclusive on a Budget

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on September 24, 2021

Community and commercial playgrounds are designed and built to last for years and years of enjoyment, but all playgrounds must be assessed annually for equipment that needs to be upgraded or replaced.

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Topics: Playground Design & Planning Inclusivity Accessibility

Five Advantages to Adding a Playground to Every Housing Development

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on September 10, 2021

If you are the head of your local homeowners’ association or a developer designing a new neighborhood, including plans for a playground is a wise investment. Playgrounds and recreation spaces benefit your area by attracting quality tenants and homeowners, increasing property value, and enhancing the quality of life for families. 

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Topics: Community Parks Playground Design & Planning

Inspecting Your Playground After a Flood

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on June 29, 2021

Many Americans live, work, and play in areas prone to flooding with some estimates that 41 million people are exposed to flood risks on a yearly basis.

According to the Columbia Climate School, “In the past 20 years, flood-related disasters have cost the United States more than $845 billion in damages to homes, offices, and other infrastructure.”

Some of that infrastructure which can be flooded includes local parks and playgrounds.

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Topics: Playground Design & Planning Safety

The Top Four Reasons You Should Update Your Playgrounds Right Now!

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on June 22, 2021

If you have been thinking about upgrading a playground at a school or park, right now is the perfect time to do so. There are many benefits associated with updating your playground in the summer, as well as updating at this specific point in time. Learning about these benefits can help you to see why now is the perfect time to move forward with your playground updating and replacement needs. 

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Topics: Playground Design & Planning

How to Plan the Perfect Field Day for Your School

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on May 15, 2021

One of the many things that students and parents missed last spring was the cancellation of memory-making events such as Field Day due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Topics: Playground Design & Planning

Why Moms LOVE Playgrounds

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on May 7, 2021

We think every DAY should be “Mother’s Day” but for over 100 years we have been officially celebrating moms on the second Sunday in May.

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Topics: Community Parks Play & Fitness Playground Design & Planning

May Recreation Equipment & Design is a top supplier of playground equipment, shelters, playground safety surfacing, splash pads, site amenities, and related products in East Texas. Our goal is to work closely with you to ensure your project completes

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