We Speak Playground

The History of Inclusive Play

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on January 9, 2019

Play has always been an innate part of the childhood experience. Long before there were playgrounds of any kind, children were creating their own using little more than their imaginations. Play is important for the cultivation of motor skills as well as physical strength and stamina. Children also learn social skills from playing together in groups. Country children had it best in this respect — a crooked stick became a lightning-fast steed, while a small stream became a vast and mysterious ocean. Play occurs in all cultures and is an essential part of healthy childhood development, even though playgrounds themselves are a relatively recent addition. The first public playground was built in San Francisco in the year 1887, and playgrounds as we know them gradually came into existence as cities grew larger and outdoor play in the streets and in vacant lots became increasingly dangerous. However, it took over a century for the idea of inclusive playgrounds to even begin to make a dent in America's cultural landscape. 

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Topics: Play & Fitness Inclusivity

Are Inclusive & Sensory Playgrounds the Same Thing?

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on September 25, 2018

All children need and deserve safe and fun playgrounds. There are abundant options for playground designs that don't just meet ADA requirements, but that also create a very special environment for inclusive play and interaction between children of all abilities. Playgrounds should offer opportunities for a thrilling experience to all children. May Recreation designs inclusive playgrounds and components that provide access and exciting interaction for all children.

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Topics: Inclusivity

Brain Injuries and Inclusive Playgrounds

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on March 9, 2018

If you ever read our blogs, you know that we are BIG on the importance and impact of playground interaction/play on children’s development.

People with typical kids usually don’t think twice about this. After all, their kids get recess every day at school. They go to the park and play on the playground on the weekends. They get plenty of playground interaction, right?

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Topics: Inclusivity

Spotlight on Inclusive Playgrounds

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on December 22, 2017

“Inclusive” is a buzz word in the news right now. We hear the term “inclusive” in relation to gender, race, education and religion. But what about inclusion on the playground? This is a subject that needs to be in the public eye more.

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Topics: Inclusivity

Cool New Project Alert: Greenthread Park

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on August 4, 2017

We have a pretty cool new project coming up that we want to share with you guys because we're just THAT excited about it! We will be working on a highly inclusive playground for Greenthread Park, located in the Cross Creek Ranch community in Fulshear, TX.

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Topics: Inclusivity

Why Build an Inclusive Playground?

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on May 25, 2017

May Recreation believes in the benefits of inclusive play – but not everyone sees or understands the true advantages that back our beliefs in an inclusive play system. There are so very many reasons why inclusive play is beneficial, you’d be here all day if we tried to talk about them all! So, for the sake of time, here are the basics. 

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Topics: Inclusivity

Musical Instruments and the Inclusive Playground

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on December 6, 2016

Everybody can play outdoor musical instruments regardless of their skill level or age, which makes them a great addition to any playground being designed with inclusion in mind. Parents, Educators, Church Elders and others can participate together with children of all abilities in creation of their own individual musical sounds and rhythms.  

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Topics: Product Features Inclusivity

What is an 'Inclusive Playground?'

Posted by May Recreation Content Team on November 22, 2016

To describe an inclusive playground, let's look at the key component of the term: 


adjective in·clu·sive \in-ˈklü-siv, -ziv\

The simple definition of inclusive, according to Merriam-Webster:

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Topics: Inclusivity

May Recreation Equipment & Design is a top supplier of playground equipment, shelters, playground safety surfacing, splash pads, site amenities, and related products in East Texas. Our goal is to work closely with you to ensure your project completes

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