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Posted by May Recreation Content Team on
Kids have a natural instinct to climb and explore, which I’m sure is not a surprise to anyone who is a parent. Children climb everything — furniture, countertops, trees, playground equipment — EVERYTHING. The question is why?
According to Dr. Joe Frost, who is known as the contemporary father of play advocacy, children climb for many reasons, which he discusses in an article titled Why Children Climb: Motivation, Process and Child Development, by Dr. Joe L. Frost (Playground Magazine, Summer 2013).
For Developmental Purposes: “During climbing and other playground activities (running, throwing, balancing, brachiating, creating, building), nerves and muscles are developed and brain circuits and cells are formed as children develop coordination, agility, strength, confidence, and motor skills such as depth and distance judgment — making climbing an efficient developmental activity.”
For Fun: “Children climb for fun, enjoyment, challenge, the sense of danger, and to access the top for success and observation. They climb to explore, gain new perspectives, access play options, play chase, engage in make-believe play, respond to parent and peer challenges and encouragement and to compete with peers.” (Frost, et al, 2004).
For the Thrill of the Risk: “Healthy development requires that children have many opportunities to take risks on playgrounds. Climbing is risky, and the higher children climb, the riskier it can become. For any particular climbing route or skill, beginners frequently fall a few or even many times before reaching their goal.”
For Learning Purposes: “They also climb to learn. Children are wired to learn and learning by climbing carries benefits in skill development, health, fitness, and injury prevention.”
It is because of the importance of climbing that we are excited to announce Miracle Recreation's newest product, the first new dome climber in decades. Miracle Recreation’s Dome Climber with Orbs provides a more challenging climb than the old, ordinary dome climbers. It has an open design that makes it accessible by all children, even those with mobility devices, as well as parents and caregivers. This allows anyone to enter inside the dome in order to experience closer interaction as they play together.
Climbing is an important part of childhood for many reasons; Miracle Recreation's Dome Climber with Orbs is the perfect piece to add to any playground in order to promote healthy childhood development via fun and exciting climbing.
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