
Musical Instruments and the Inclusive Playground

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Everybody can play outdoor musical instruments regardless of their skill level or age, which makes them a great addition to any playground being designed with inclusion in mind. Parents, Educators, Church Elders and others can participate together with children of all abilities in creation of their own individual musical sounds and rhythms.  

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Why Outdoor Instruments?

The instruments not only create sounds to be shared by all, but also provide cognitive, emotional and physical play opportunities.  The use of musical instruments can be used to encourage cooperative play and creative thinking in public parks, school playgrounds, church campuses as well as neighborhood play areas.  

Outdoor musical instruments also present schools with an excellent way of incorporating outdoor education into the their day-to-day curriculum.  Furthermore, educators and children will love the fact that music can be taught and learned in a environment outside of the classroom.  

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Percussion Play products are designed to celebrate the differing abilities of all children. They allow kids to use their imagination to create music and encourage interaction between everyone using the playground.

One of our Playground Experts can assist you in designing your Inclusive Playground with the use of these and other products...please feel free to contact us today!

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