
Why Should Your Kids Play Sports?

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Golf players practicing to hit the ball

Golf players practicing to hit the ballSports, whether individual or team-based, are an excellent activity for young children that offer them numerous benefits other than physical fitness. Allowing your child to participate in outdoor extracurricular activities helps them to explore new things and develop valuable skills which are beneficial throughout their lives. Sports expose young children to a wide range of mental, emotional, social, educational and physical benefits. Here are some of the top reasons why playing sports is good for children.

Improves their Physical Health

This is perhaps the obvious and the most significant benefit of allowing children to participate in sports. Statistics indicate that at least 10% of all American kids aged between four and five years are struggling with obesity due to lack of exercise time. What is even more worrying is the fact that the number tends to rise when you move to upper age brackets. Looking at these figures, we can all see why it is essential to get your child out and encourage him/her to get involved in sports.

Leads to High Self-Esteem

Several studies have also suggested that taking part in sports can help a child develop self-esteem and confidence. Simple gestures such as a high-five from a teammate, a handshake or a pat on the back help build a lot of confidence in children. It also helps them to learn how to trust their abilities and strengths and how to overcome their weaknesses. Remember the fact that these are invaluable skills that your children will need in the future as they pursue their dreams in life.

Lifelong Health and Wellness

Participating in sports also helps to promote health and wellness not only through one's childhood but throughout a lifetime. Activities such as football, golf and swimming are particularly important since the child can continue to engage in as an adult. Children who take part in sports will also be mindful of the kind of foods that they consume, which helps them to avoid certain diseases and health conditions associated with poor dieting, such as obesity.

Develop Social Skills

Developing social skills is always a huge part of parenting, and you need to do everything possible as a parent to ensure that your child starts to develop these skills as early as possible. One of the best ways to build your child's social skills is through helping him/her get involved in sports and especially team-based activities. As a team member, your child will learn how to communicate new ideas, listen to other team members and how to use proper communication to solve problems. The child will also learn leadership skills and start to learn how to handle both success and failure in life. Exposing your child to various environments where communication is critical will pay off big time in the future.

Are you looking for quality sports equipment that will help you encourage your child to participate in sports? Contact May Recreation today for quality playground equipment, sports equipment, water play equipment, artificial turf, and other park amenities.

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