
The Top Four Reasons You Should Update Your Playgrounds Right Now!

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monkey bars May Recreation

If you have been thinking about upgrading a playground at a school or park, right now is the perfect time to do so. There are many benefits associated with updating your playground in the summer, as well as updating at this specific point in time. Learning about these benefits can help you to see why now is the perfect time to move forward with your playground updating and replacement needs. 

Kids Are Out of School

Summer has long been the preferred time to update playground equipment at schools. The primary reason for this is that kids are out of school for the summer. You have the ability to remove and replace the equipment without disrupting play time for the children at your school or causing them to miss out on valuable recess time.

Boy playing at the park on the monkey barsPlaygrounds Are Hot in the Summer Months

Even if you have a year round school or your equipment is at a park, summer is still a great time to think about replacing your equipment. While many people may think that playground equipment is heavily used at parks during the summer months, this is not the case. Many people play at parks in the spring and fall. During the summer months, the weather may simply be too hot to go outside. As such, parks are less crowded in the summer months, which causes less disruption for replacing playground equipment at this time. 

Playgrounds Are Closed During Quarantine

One of the more unique reasons why you should consider replacing your playground equipment at this particular point in time is because playgrounds in many counties, cities and states are closed right now due to the COVID-19 quarantine or social distancing restrictions. Due to these closures, kids are not able to play on playground equipment, as the equipment may harbor this virus for a period of time. If you have been on the fence about replacing equipment, now is the perfect time, as no one can use the equipment. When parks open back up, yours will be ready to go with a fresh, clean playground. 

There Won't Be As Many Weather Delays

The final reason why now is the perfect time to update your playgrounds is because there are far fewer weather delays in the summer months than there are in the seasons. It rains a lot in spring, and it can be too cold in the winter months. This can lead to delays installing your equipment and push back the opening dates. Summer is a great time to complete many outdoor projects, including installing new equipment at your park or school playground. 

There are numerous reasons why now is the perfect time to update your playground or replace playground equipment. Kids are out of school, playgrounds are closed for quarantine and the weather is perfect for making these changes or updates. Here at May Recreation, we speak playground. We offer all of the playground equipment you need to transform your space into the perfect play area for children of all ages. Take a look at our website or contact us today to learn more about the products we offer or to begin the process of ordering the perfect playground equipment for your play space. 

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