
Sun Safety and Summertime

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summer sun kid

summer sun kidSummer is here and the heat is unrelenting. It's important for kids to spend time outdoors playing, but it's also challenging when the heat index is so high. 

Here are a few tips to keep your kids safe and happy outside this summer:

Wear sunscreen. You and your kids should wear sunscreen every day, but it is especially important to wear sunscreen when playing outside (particularly in the summertime).

Choose the RIGHT sunscreen. There are two types of UV rays — UVA and UVB. UVB rays are the main cause of sunburns, and all sunscreen protects against them. UVA rays may not cause sunburns, but they do cause skin cancer and premature aging. Broad Spectrum sunscreen protects against BOTH UVA and UVB rays. So the most effective choice is a Broad Spectrum sunscreen that is 30 SPF or higher.

Drink lots of water. It's HOT out there, people! If kids are playing outside in the summer heat and not drinking enough water, they can get dehydrated, heat exhaustion, heatstroke or any other heat-related illness. Make sure your kids have a well-insulated water bottle to take with them for outside playtime.

Wear hats and sunglasses. Hats, especially wide-brimmed hats, will help to shield kids' skin from the sun. Sunglasses will protect their eyes from harmful UV rays.

Be careful of hot playground equipment. Anyone who's been on a playground in the summertime knows this, but playground equipment can get HOT in the summer sun. Find playgrounds and parks with shade structures over the equipment, or areas with lots of trees that cast a protective shade. If your local or neighborhood park does not have any sort of shade structure to protect the equipment, you should consider putting in a request to add one. They not only protect from the harmful UV rays, but also from all other elements of harsh weather.

For more information on playground equipment or safety tips, visit our website or contact a May Recreation representative today. 

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