
Random Acts of Kindness - Tips for Kids

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We all want to teach our children how to make the world a better place. In most cases, this starts with small ideas that make a huge difference. In fact, it is always a great idea to show our little ones that it doesn’t take a huge amount of money or a ton of skill to really brighten someone’s world. Here are a few of our best tips on how to incorporate random acts of kindness.

#1:  Kindness Starts at Home

We tend to always believe that random acts of kindness have to be something big out in public. The truth is that small gestures start at home. Teach your kids to perform tasks such as:

  • Helping a sibling out by finishing chores or making their bed.
  • Feeding a pet without being asked to do so.
  • Brewing mom or dad a cup of coffee in the morning.
  • Setting the table for dinner or even helping cook dinner.
  • Telling a family member one thing they admire about them or offering a random compliment.
  • Drawing a nice picture or making and handmade gift to give on a day outside a birthday or holiday.
  • Making soup and a get well card for a family member who has the flu.

#2: Bringing Kindness to the Classroom and Playground

School is another place where kids can easily brighten someone’s day and make a big difference. Ways children can express kindness while at school include:

  • Bringing an extra snack or treat for a friend.
  • Making a greeting card to thank a teacher or staff member for their hard work.
  • Saying please and thank you.
  • Holding open the classroom door.
  • Allowing a friend to go first on the swings or slide.
  • Congratulating a schoolmate on getting a good grade or accomplishing a new skill.
  • Sharing paper or school supplies with a friend who has forgotten theirs.

#3: Take Kindness Out into the Community

Teaching children how to take their kindness out into their local city or town is also important. A few great ideas for bringing happiness and joy into your local community include:

  • Volunteering to walk or pet dogs at the local animal shelter.
  • Visiting seniors at a local nursing home or care facility.
  • Saving allowance or birthday money to buy a homeless person a hot meal.
  • Holding doors open for strangers while in a public place.
  • Complimenting someone at church on their awesome shoes or great singing voice.
  • Checking in or bringing cookies to an elderly neighbor.
  • Sending dessert to another family that you don't know while at a local restaurant.

What to Remember When Teaching Your Children About Random Acts of Kindness

While teaching your kids to complete random acts of kindness is important, it is also vital to show them that there are reasons behind it. Explain that making someone happy has a chain reaction and that the person they helped is likely to spread joy even further. Also, make sure younger children realize that they shouldn’t need praise or a reward for simply being kind—the happiness of the other person is enough!

At May Recreation, we love hearing about children sharing kindness around their communities. If you have a favorite story, please post it in the comments below to help give other families and schools ideas on how to incorporate something similar.

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