
Why You Need A Church Playground

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May Recreation Church Playground Boy Reading a Book

Many faith-based organizations and worship centers are now making a substantial contribution to children’s lives and to their general development. It is pretty typical for these facilities to have childcare centers, pre-schools, and even kindergartens. Having a playground that is safe and fun just makes sense in today’s modern church. 

Why Consider a Church Playground?

Adding a playground for children on the church property helps the organization in two distinct ways:

  • It will raise the appeal of the church to families looking for a religious community to call home.
  • It helps the church better serve the children in the community and inspires them to take part in youth programs. 

Religious groups look for ways to enrich their communities, especially those underserved, and the answer might be by providing them with a free and accessible playground. 

Active Children Are Healthier

You can add inspiring activities among children to the list. A report issued by Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance (AHKGA) found that children worldwide  are becoming less active  overall. That can be a contributing factor in the rates of childhood obesity and diabetes. 

Staying active is critical at any age, but especially for young children. While it has long been understood that small children acquire fine motor skills via play with toys and tiny items, we now know that correctly built playground equipment may also play a role. 

What to Look for In Playground Equipment for the Church

A playground should be two things: fun and safe. That’s true whether you are hosting bible study or daycare. Contact a May Recreation Representative Today

It’s also important to remember that children come in all shapes, sizes, and fitness levels. So you want something that works for everyone. But, of course, safety is always going to be a primary concern, too. That’s why churches must work with an established playground equipment company to ensure they get the best and safest design for their needs. 

Factors to Consider When Planning the Playground

Whether you are building the first playground or remaking a current one, there are some things decision-makers need to consider before choosing equipment, such as:

  • The size of the play area
  • The layout of the play space
  • How many children might play there at one time
  • The ages of the children
  • Special needs
  • Safety precautions like signs and surfacing
  • Aesthetics
  • Maintenance

In many churches, it’s crucial to choose playground systems with multiple complexity levels. That way, there is something for everyone and every age. Choose equipment right for various physical abilities, too, and consider sensory issues for children on the spectrum. 

About May Recreation

May Recreation, servicing Houston and East Texas, has built commercial-grade parks and playground equipment for over 25 years. We are the top supplier of not just playground equipment but:

  • Shelters
  • Safe ground surfacing
  • Splash pads
  • Sensory panels
  • Sunshades

May Recreation offers a playground system with unlimited design and configuration possibilities. The brilliant and imaginative designers come from extensive backgrounds in architecture, industrial design, display design, and product design and have a thorough grasp of production capabilities, playground needs, and safety.

Contact us today to find out more about the design team and products available at May Recreation.