
Age Inclusive Playgrounds

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May Recreation Age Inclusive Playground Brothers of all ages playing on playground

Why should families have to do research before going to a playground, just to make sure that all of their kids will enjoy the experience, no matter their age?

What’s called for are age inclusive playgrounds. That way, no one feels left out, and there will be more fun to be had by all. After all, the more people you include at a playground, the more opportunities for kids to meet and expand their world through contact with people from different walks of life.

About Age Inclusive Playgrounds

Age inclusive playgrounds, by definition, provide equipment for kids of all ages. 

You can find them built so all the equipment is in one place or by separating playhoney-yanibel-minaya-cruz-1D7M5IOciLA-unsplash structures by age in different areas. They have things to climb on and slide down, platforms to reach. You’ll include equipment that features ramps or stairs so that even the youngest kids can participate. 

When you set up an age-inclusive park, you’ll have the peace of mind that comes from knowing it’s safe for all since safety concerns are highest for the smallest and youngest kids.

You might prefer to build play structures segregated by age in areas that are close together. This way, parents/caregivers can keep a close eye on all children regardless of their age or what structures they prefer to play on.

In a scenario that combines playground structures, you’ll aim to install platforms and decks at lower levels. Provide a lot of things to slide down and climb up. A combined structure approach can be a cost-effective solution since you use one main area instead of making two smaller areas full of equipment.

Spinners and swings to promote ground-based playtime are often combined with structures so that kids of all ages will have more options. They’re a way to bring together families and the entire community together, appealing to a broader mix.

Reasons to Set Up an Inclusive Playground

A major reason to create an age inclusive playground is to encourage more families to come and spend time there. A family with kids whose ages are pretty spread out can all go to the same playground instead of dropping off some at one place and letting others be in a playground designed more for older children. 

Look at the demographics in your community and you will find many families with varying age groups under one roof. So it’s best to accommodate them and not be so specific in playground design that would otherwise exclude younger or older children.

When you make it more convenient for families to spend time at your park, you can count on usage to climb. It makes it much easier to supervise your kids when they’re all in the same location.

Families also appreciate age inclusive parks because they encourage brothers and sisters to bond with one another. The family that plays together, stays together.

And when your playground is age-inclusive, the community itself is strengthened. More family activities in town encourage pride and respect for what the government has to offer.

Can You Use Some Help Developing Your Own Age Inclusive Playground? Contact Us Today!

Meeting the desires and needs of children of all ages is essential if we are to promote an inclusive society for all. A great deal of socializing takes place at playgrounds, so we want to pay special attention to these locations and make sure they have the right kind and balance of equipment.

If you and your colleagues are still doing research and figuring out what your playground should promote in terms of all-ages accommodations, we at May Recreation will be happy to assist. To learn more about age inclusive playground setups, contact us today.

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