
7 Ways to Keep Your Kids Active During National Physical Fitness Month

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running girl

running girlReadily accessible digital entertainment devices and programs have played a major role in making modern kids more sedentary than ever before. Without regular physical activity, kids face an elevated risk of developing mental and physical health problems. National Physical Fitness and Sports Month aims to reverse this trend by helping kids learn that sports and other physical activities are truly fun and rewarding. Here are 7 activities your kids can enjoy to celebrate this important month of fun.

Jump Rope

Whether enjoyed solo or in a group, jump rope provides an excellent combination of heart-pumping activity and conquerable challenges. Invest in a collection of bead and speed ropes of all lengths to allow your kids to jump to their hearts' content. Set fun challenges to beat or play rhyming games to keep the fun going all month long.

Animal Races

Animal races transform ordinary runs into an exciting way to raise your child’s heart rate into the target zone. For this activity, your kids will mimic the walking style of ordinary animals — like ducks, bears and crabs — while racing to the finish line. Up the ante by setting up relay-style competitions that encourage teamwork and teach good sportsmanship skills.


Kids can set up obstacle courses and practice their parkour skills to mimic their favorite athletes in this realm. Bounding over barriers and running across narrow obstacles helps kids greatly improve their balance. Parkour activities can also help your children develop improved core strength, which mitigates the risk of injury during intense physical activities.


Gymnastics routines involve high levels of core strength to properly perform the targeted tumbling and balancing activities, like cartwheels, handsprings and handstands. Kids have to activate their core muscles to maintain good form and hold the poses for a set amount of time. As your children improve their strength, balance and flexibility, they can move onto difficult gymnastics challenges that offer even greater rewards.  


Fun dance routines, such as the mambo and bunny hop, teach kids to move their bodies to the rhythm while improving timing and endurance. Most routines are easily learned at a slow pace and then increase in tempo as skills improve. Kids who learn and perform dance moves enjoy improved confidence as they successfully complete their routines.


Casual soccer skirmishes help kids adapt to a healthy level of competition with their peers. By playing against kids at the same skill level, your children will learn how to win and lose with grace to better understand the importance of good sportsmanship. Mastering good soccer techniques requires kids to plan their moves on the fly to dribble the ball and pass to their teammates. Kids can learn how to perform fun tricks and fancy footwork by practicing on their own at home between games.


Frisbee is a fun game that can be played with two or more people on any open field in your area. To send the disc flying and catch it on the return, kids have to develop and utilize great hand-eye coordination. This low-key game can help your kids wind down after a serious play session or stay active on days otherwise filled with indoor activities. Keep discs in your car or in a bag wherever you go to give your children a way to stay active when the opportunity arises.

Kids, Fitness & Fun!

When you encourage your kids to stay active with these fun sports and physical activities, you help them improve their fitness and health in leaps and bounds. Your kids will likely continue their pursuit of increased strength, endurance, balance and flexibility as they conquer their challenges throughout the empowering National Physical Fitness and Sports Month.

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